How to Scale up Circular Cities

Circle Economy
4 min readMay 24, 2019


In the city, everything comes together. Cities are places where a vast majority of us live and work. They create the social and economic fabric for human ingenuity, the crucible in which to forge our common future.

That is why Holland Circular Hotspot (HCH) and Circle Economy (CE) are teaming up to host a dedicated session during the World Circular Economy Forum. Our theme? How to scale circular cities.

We are working at the centre of many converging debates about the future of cities — the smart city, sustainable cities, resilient and climate-adaptive cities. Each has a claim to be among the most important topics for urban policymaking, with powerful implications for the built environment, energy and mobility.

Finding coherent responses to these big, interlinked questions requires a systemic approach. The urban circular economy is essential to achieving our climate goals and the SDGs.

We see the circular economy as an inspiring concept, to define new economic and social models within planetary boundaries. The myriad ways that people and businesses interact are ripe with opportunity. The commitment from all stakeholders must be equal to the scale and complexity of the challenge.


The World Circular Economy Forum

In our upcoming side session at WCEF on June 3rd 2019, we will think together to answer the question: “How can we make cities more circular, in both developed and developing countries?”

From a cities perspective, we’ll explore how the circular economy can start small and deliver results ‘close to home’, creating new pathways for collaboration to preserve and create value. Examples such as revitalised building, meaningful jobs and improved mobility are powerful drivers for innovation.

By joining forces Holland Circular Hotspot, Circle Economy, Circular Change Slovenia, Circular Norway, TCEN/TTRI, Exchange4Change Brasil, Polish Circular Hotspot (Innowo), Zero Waste Scotland, Amsterdam Economic Board, Circular Friesland, African CE Network, OREE, L’institut national de l’économie circulaire and Circular Economy Platform of the Americas (CEPA) we’ll generously share insights, build new networks and pool resources.

We hope our collective learning from these sessions will help you to kickstart circular development in your city. Our workshops will assess the record of municipalities in developed countries

The public sector has a crucial role to play. Local governments set the ambition, and define challenges in ways that are manageable and measurable.Policy-makers set boundary conditions, nurture experimentation and generate ‘pull’ factors for circular initiatives through public procurement.

  • In developing country cities we will explore the scope for regulations to shape government-driven actions such as waste management, involving both the formal and informal sectors.
  • We will examine the role for value-chains which stretch beyond city limits, where urban policy can combine with a regional approach.
  • Actions from businesses are essential. Local entrepreneurs have the guts and imagination to take risks, invest, accelerate change and are responsible for the largest part of scaling up the circular economy in cities.
  • We will discuss how to create a circular culture of meaningful participation for citizens and residents, to stimulate the engagement of different stakeholders for the circular transition.
  • Researchers and knowledge institutes can develop new insights and tools, validate ideas and boost awareness. Educating the leaders, and consumers, of the future is another essential step, while making sure no-one gets left behind.

The principle of extending the lifecycle for materials — to keep the value of products and materials in the loop at their highest value for as long as possible — is central to the vision of a Circular Economy. So too is the transition to renewable energy, respect for biodiversity, societal balance and social inclusion.

The Amsterdam City Doughnut is a unique precedent, and scalable to other cities. “Through a deeply collaborative process, the blueprint for the first City Doughnut is being created in Amsterdam, to ensure that circular strategies can meet the needs of all citizens within the means of the planet,” explains Annerieke Douma, Director of Cities and Regions.

The challenge ahead is unprecedented, and urgent. Our working sessions will harness the power of collaboration by sharing ideas and exchanging best practice. Inspiration strikes. Demand spreads. Good ideas can jump from neighbourhood to neighbourhood, each in their own context and with their own local hero.


Download the Brochure from HCH and CE Circular Cities here

We welcome your feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information!



Circle Economy
Circle Economy

Written by Circle Economy

We empower businesses, cities and nations with practical and scalable solutions to put the circular economy into action.

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